
About Us

The Nile Basin Media Network is an umbrella for media professionals and organisations committed to fostering constructive narratives surrounding the Nile Basin, strengthening media capacities and networks in the region, and promoting fact-based and solution-oriented reporting and collaboration among its members.

The Niles is the network’s main publication platform. It has been bringing journalists together to discuss cross-border issues since 2009 and has aimed to support transboundary water cooperation in the Nile Basin since 2017.

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How to Join

We welcome individual members to our network free of charge. To be considered for membership, fill out the form below.

The conditions for membership are:

Professional Background: Members should have a proven track record in journalism, media production, or a related field, with preference given to those with experience or interest in water resource management, environmental issues, or Nile Basin regional topics.

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Featured Stories


We believe in the free access to information. This means you can republish our stories online, in broadcast or in print for free, provided you follow the following guidelines:

Guidelines for Republishing

You may republish our articles online, in broadcast and in print. We would appreciate details of when and where the material was published so we can share it with the author and track the reach of their content. Please send links, scans or broadcast details to

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Meet Our Contributors