Women of Ukerewe: Innovate in cooking, challenge the patriarchy and protect resources

On Ukerewe Island, traditionally tasked with ensuring their families' wellbeing through cooking, women are now kindling a fresh flame using local resources. This initiative revitalises kitchens and communities, shifting perceptions and driving a movement to protect the island's scarce resources.
  • Lilian Ruguga
  • February 6th, 2025
Women of Ukerewe: Innovate in cooking, challenge the patriarchy and protect resources
The women of Sauti ya Wanawake Ukerewe celebrate their efforts with Executive Director Sohpia Donald (second from the right). Photo: The Niles / Lilian Ruguga

Ukerewe Island is a serene haven amidst the vast waters of Lake Victoria. Beneath its tranquil surface, however, islanders face the harsh realities of daily survival. For the women of Ukerewe, cooking to provide food for their families is a constant challenge.

Debora Rocky, 43, a mother of four and native to the island, describes many women’. “The cost of gas is high,” she says. “We can’t afford to buy a gas stove when we have children who need to eat and go to school.”

This stark reality has propelled the community to find sustainable solutions. Leading this transformative movement, the Sauti ya Wanawake Ukerewe, Voice of Ukerewe Women, initiative introduced efficient stoves in July 2023 that significantly reduce the need for firewood, improve health conditions, and are affordable.

Protecting nature and health

Sixtaimelda Katembo, 41, is a small fruit farmer who is both a beneficiary and a member of the initiative. She compares how the decline in natural resources has impacted women’s daily lives on the island. “In the past, firewood was abundant,” Katembo reminisces. “But now we trek for kilometres just to cook a meal.”

Katembo’s personal experience reflects a broader environmental trend affecting the Ukerewe. The five-year forestry development plan for the Mwanza region of 2000/2001 indicates that only 2.3 percent of Ukerewe Island is covered by forest. According to Global Forest Watch (GFW), an online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests, Ukerewe Island has lost 15 percent of its tree cover from 2000 to 2020. This rate is higher than Tanzania’s 11 percent national average.

This loss is not limited to Tanzania: Across the Nile Basin, tree cover has decreased by over 15 percent from 1990 to 2015, according to research by Solomon Gebreyohannis Gebrehiwot, associate professor with Addis Ababa University’s Water and Land Resources Centre.

Tree cover is essential for ecosystems and human communities. It provides habitats for wildlife, enhances biodiversity, and regulates climate. Trees filter pollutants, improve air quality, produce oxygen, and prevent soil erosion. On Ukerewe Island, tree cover is a lifeline, providing firewood for cooking and heating. Introducing efficient stoves is timely, addressing this scarcity.

“We trek for kilometres just to cook a meal.”

Sixtaimelda Katembo

“Traditional stoves emit copious amounts of smoke,” says Pili Kadegu, 39, secretary general of Sauti ya Wanawake Ukerewe. Our new efficient ones minimise eye irritation and discomfort while cooking.” These stoves are made from locally available materials like potter’s clay, cow dung, and ash, making them accessible and sustainable. All that is needed is to “mix them well with water, form bricks, and you have your stove.”

Clay and dry cow dung are two ingredients used to make efficient stoves.
Using local resources, women filter ashes to mix with clay soil.
Women mix ingredients to make efficient stoves.
Women work collaboratively, putting bricks in the chosen kitchen.
To make an efficient stove fit, saucepans are used as measurement tools.

A journey towards transformation

Behind these advancements lies a story of determination. Sophia Donald, the Director of Sauti ya Wanawake Ukerewe, explains how the concept originated: “I got this idea from a friend of mine who is an environmentalist. When he explained it to me, I was intrigued.”

Donald recounts the journey of initiating change in a remote island community. The challenges were numerous, from scepticism within the community to the physical demands of gathering materials and constructing the stoves. Donald recalls the initial reception of their idea. “We faced questions like, ‘Why should we change what we’ve been doing for generations?’ and ‘How can this simple stove be better than what we know?'”

Winning the community’s trust was a gradual process. “We started by training a few women willing to try, and they became our ambassadors. As they shared their positive experiences, more people became interested.”

A future of collaboration

The key was to demonstrate to the community that Sauti ya Wanawake Ukerewe was not imposing their vision but that they were part of the community, working together to find solutions. Donald reflects on this journey. “It wasn’t easy,” she admits, “but we decided to help women because they are the most affected.” Sauti ya Wanawake Ukerewe secured funding from Women Fund Tanzania Trust, an NGO focused on women’s rights and feminist movement building under their Haki Mazingira, or Environmental Rights, project.

The influence of this movement goes beyond women. John Mapesa, a 48-year-old fisherman and resident of Ukerewe, reflects on how the stoves have shaped his outlook: “Initially, I had doubts about these stoves. However, witnessing the amount of firewood we saved and the minimal smoke they produced convinced me. Now, not only do we save time and effort, but the air in our home is much cleaner. This has greatly benefited my family and the community.”

“Witnessing the amount of firewood we saved and the minimal smoke they produced convinced me.”

John Mapesa

In the future, Mapesa wants to engage in initiatives that can create a positive impact. He added, “I also hope my fellow men will get involved rather than leaving it all to our wives.”

This collaborative initiative, led by women, emphasises the need for shared responsibility in sustainable practices. As the sun sets over Ukerewe Island, casting a golden glow upon its shores, the spirit of determination and hope lights the way towards a better future.

“We are trying to empower women to engage in activities beyond the project’s scope. They will be engaging in entrepreneurship ventures of their own,” says Donald. “And we will continue to support them in that.”

On Ukerewe Island, women are not only burden bearers; they are also catalysts for change, positively transforming their communities.

This article is part of The Niles Issue #19, The Feminine & The Nile, produced by Media in Cooperation and Transition (MiCT) with financial support from the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). It is part of the initiative The Niles: Strengthening Media Capacities and Networks in the Nile Basin, supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and commissioned by the German Federal Foreign Office (AA). The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of SIWI, GIZ, the German Federal Foreign Office, or MiCT.