Patriarchal systems and customary traditions severely restrict women’s access to land ownership and decision-making in Burundi and the Nile Basin region. According to the National Institute of Statistics of Burundi (INSBU), in 2008, only 17.7 percent of landowners were women.
Agriculture forms the backbone of the Burundian economy, with women constituting over 55 percent of the agricultural workforce. Greater economic opportunities for women would significantly boost agriculture and economic growth. The World Bank estimates that bridging the gender gap in Africa could increase the continent’s GDP by USD 2.5 trillion by 2025.
The World Bank
“Bridging the gender gap could increase Africa’s GDP by USD 2.5 trillion.”
In Gatara, the capital of Kayanza province, women cultivate small plots despite numerous challenges, such as land fragmentation and lack of modern techniques. “I have to rent additional plots of land to increase production,” says Godelieve Gambozira, a 37-year-old farmer from Karurusi Hill. Viola Niyonsaba, a 42-year-old farmer from Gitwenge Hill, adds: “We still farm the traditional way, which limits our productivity.”
An effective way to conquer these challenges is to secure credit, invest in fertilisers, and adopt modern production techniques. This, however, poses a significant challenge for female farmers. Severa Niteretse, a 45-year-old farmer, explains: “We lack financial means and have no access to necessary agricultural inputs. There are no banks near us that could lend us money. We only hear about banks on the radio.”
Established in 2010 in Gatara, the local women’s organisation Femmes Abakanguriramahoro, or Women for Peace and Dialogue, is passionately dedicated to driving women’s economic rights. With 78 members, the organisation implements microcredit projects, agricultural management training, and awareness campaigns on women’s land and economic rights, aiming to promote women’s access to land ownership and increase their knowledge of their rights.
Severa Niteretse
“We only hear about banks on the radio.”
Lucie Ndayishimiye, the leader of this organisation, highlights a significant issue: “Even if banking services were in place, female farmers frequently encounter distrust, thus impeding their access to essential loans.”
Applying for bank credit is an ongoing struggle for female farmers. Alice Nyandwi, a 43-year-old farmer, explains that it took her three years to secure a loan, “even with all the required documents. Banks are hesitant to provide loans to female farmers.”
Ndayishimiye adds that spouses can be a barrier to accessing credit. Banks often require collateral, but women without land in their name depend on their husbands’ consent. Although not required by law, this consent is frequently requested for cultural reasons, perpetuating their economic dependence. Lucie Ndayishimiye herself had sought a loan of 25 million Burundian Francs (BIF), about USD 8,500. Without the 30 million BIF (approximately USD 10,300) collateral required by the Women’s Investment and Development Bank (BIDF), she only secured a loan of 5 million BIF (USD 1,700).
Lucie Ndayishimiye
“Spouses can be a barrier to accessing credit.”
These obstacles have led to a sharp decline in the number of women obtaining loans from financial institutions, dropping by 57 percent between 2014 and 2016, while access to credit for men increased by 67 percent over the same period. This reveals a systemic imbalance in the banking system, hindering women’s economic progress and affecting Burundi’s economic growth.
Local and international initiatives can play a significant role in bridging this gap. The inaugural Women Land Summit took place in Gitega in January 2023, bringing together reformers, government officials, women’s associations, and other key stakeholders to devise legal strategies against gender discrimination in land access. The first strategy involves revising laws, including inheritance and land ownership laws. Despite constitutional guarantees of gender equality, the law does not explicitly prohibit gender discrimination in inheritance and credit access. Efforts to reform the law are often met with significant cultural and social resistance. Customary law favours sons as the recipients of family property, while daughters usually receive unequal marriage dowries. In many cases, widows can be excluded from inheriting their deceased husband’s property, while widowers have more rights.
Alice Nyandwi
“We would have the chance to control our destiny.”
Addressing these resistances is crucial to achieving sustainable solutions. Implementing awareness programmes on land rights and access to legal resources is essential. Ndayishimiye criticises the lack of awareness from banks, such as BIDF, which fail to reach remote areas to inform female farmers about available services. Cultural awareness initiatives are also necessary to deconstruct gender stereotypes. Furthermore, educational programmes that promote gender equality from an early age, along with community awareness campaigns, are crucial in emphasising the importance of equal rights for sustainable development.
At the Women Land Summit, strategies also included enhancing institutional capacities through targeted training, establishing protection mechanisms, and creating specialised courts. Femmes Abakanguriramahoro offers training programs in leadership, financial management, and agricultural techniques. “Our latest programme empowered 50 women to master the basics of financial management, significantly enhancing their small agricultural businesses,” explains Lucie Ndayishimiye.
Alice Nyandwi
“We need fair conditions and equal opportunities.”
With concerted efforts and strong political will, female farmers in Burundi can become the true architects of food security and sustainable land management. Financial inclusion and access to resources are vital drivers of this transformation.
Farmers like Alice Nyandwi envision a future where women are financially and economically independent and capable of supporting themselves and their families without reliance on others. “We would then have the chance to control our destiny, no longer seen merely as helpers but as economic leaders capable of transforming our daily lives,” she asserts. “As farmers, our work is essential to feeding communities and supporting the national economy. To fully play this role, we need fair conditions and equal opportunities.”
This article is part of The Niles Issue #19, The Feminine & The Nile, produced by Media in Cooperation and Transition (MiCT) with financial support from the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). It is part of the initiative The Niles: Strengthening Media Capacities and Networks in the Nile Basin, supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and commissioned by the German Federal Foreign Office (AA). The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of SIWI, GIZ, the German Federal Foreign Office, or MiCT.