Elizabeth Muthoni, a school teacher and community organiser, adeptly balances her domestic responsibilities with her crucial role in community-based environmental initiatives. She not only manages her household but also leads projects that advocate for sustainable farming practices and water conservation in her village. Her efforts play a vital role in ensuring food security and water availability, while also educating her community about the significance of environmental conservation.
Local women sell handcrafted souvenirs made from sustainable materials to tourists in a bustling market in Entebbe. These goods are strategically positioned in spaces near big supermarkets, hotels and relaxing public green spaces where they can easily catch the eye of potential buyers.
A few kilometres away, women conservationists monitor the health of wildlife populations in national parks visited by tourists, an essential source of state revenue. These efforts are examples of a powerful synergy that could revolutionise Uganda’s environmental and economic future.
However, a true systemic collaboration between tourism and conservation is still missing. Both sectors operate within a deep-seated patriarchal system where competition and dominance trump cooperation.
Joy Nyikirindi, a freelance guide in Entebbe, attributes the gap between conservation and tourism to conflicting interests and goals. While conservation aims to protect natural resources, tourism focuses on economic growth and visitor experience. This creates, according to Nyikirindi, “a perceived misalignment that hinders collaboration.”
Namakula Shelloner, a Conservation Educator at the Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre (UWEC), explains that one major hurdle to bridging this perceived divide is systemic. Much of the conservation work is under the Ministry of Water and Environment, while tourism falls under the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife, and Antiquities. “There’s zero multi-sectoral engagement in policy development and implementation.”
The lack of coordinated policy is a significant challenge, given the inherent link between tourism and conservation in regions like Uganda, where natural attractions are the primary draw for visitors. The potential benefits of robust conservation practices are clear-they ensure the preservation of natural landscapes, wildlife, and ecosystems, all essential for sustaining tourism. Without such practices, the very resources that attract tourists would deteriorate, leading to a decline in tourism. Conversely, tourism generates the revenue necessary to fund conservation projects. Entrance fees to parks, eco-tourism activities, and tourist donations contribute to the financial resources needed for conservation efforts.
For the symbiosis between conservation and tourism to become a reality, however, the underlying values of each industry must evolve to foster a more harmonious relationship. Tourism profits should be viewed through a long-term lens, recognising that sustainable success depends on preserving natural resources. Conservation efforts should extend beyond simply protecting wildlife to addressing the needs and livelihoods of people living in and around parks. Instead of viewing these industries in opposition, we should embrace their complementarity. Collaboration must replace competition, ensuring both sectors can thrive together and all stakeholders can share the benefits of a sustainable future.
A World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 2017 report shows that “93 percent of all natural heritage sites support recreation and tourism, and 91 percent of them provide jobs,” demonstrating the economic benefits of integrating conservation efforts with tourism. This shift requires adopting ecofeminist values over patriarchal ones.
Aisha Nabwanika is a gender expert and proprietor of Ewaffe Cultural Village. This tourism project provides a unique window into Uganda’s culture, incorporating gender role plays and sex education into its programme. The Ewaffe Cultural Village represents a form of tourism that embraces ecofeminist values. Nabwanika advocates for more projects to embrace similar principles. According to her, “adopting ecofeminist values would spur more implementation and follow-up on conservation-related issues.”
Ecofeminism, a movement that combines ecological concerns with feminist perspectives, emphasises the interconnectedness of all life. Environmental theorist Kathryn Miles explains that ecofeminism “uses the basic feminist tenets of equality between genders, a revaluing of non-patriarchal structures, and a view of the world that respects organic processes, holistic connections, and collaboration.” This ideology challenges the traditional patriarchal views that often dominate both conservation and tourism, promoting values of inclusivity, equity, and mutual support instead. Ecofeminism empowers women to take leading roles in sustainable practices and conservation efforts. It encourages the integration of women’s traditional knowledge and skills into environmental management and tourism, fostering a more holistic and inclusive approach.
Often primary caregivers and educators in their communities, women are catalysts for this change. They can influence sustainable grassroots practices and further cooperation between the two sectors, paving the way for a more sustainable future.
For instance, integrating conservation messages into tourism experiences educates visitors about preserving natural habitats, garnering support for conservation initiatives. Shelloner is dedicated to this work. According to her, both sectors can benefit from collaboration by promoting conservation tourism through thematic guided tours, for example.
Moreover, sustainable tourism businesses can provide economic opportunities for local communities, particularly women, who are often key players in both sectors. This can also positively impact conservation efforts. Dr. Gladys Kalema, the founder of Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH), launched the Gorilla Conservation Coffee programme in 2015. This initiative helps local coffee farmers secure international market prices for Arabica crops, boosting community income, improving health, and reducing disease transmission to gorillas around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Additionally, farmers, many of whom are women, earn extra income from fees collected when tourists visit their coffee gardens during gorilla treks, further supporting both the community and conservation efforts.
Collaboration can also foster innovation. Women in conservation can share their knowledge of sustainable practices with those in tourism, who can implement them in their operations. This exchange of ideas can result in new, eco-friendly tourism products and services that attract environmentally conscious travellers.
Gertrude D. is a crafts maker and shop owner in Entebbe municipality. She says that for the last five years, she has been in that business, they have never experienced an exchange of ideas with the women in conservation. She, however, believes there can be shared information, especially on the sustainable use of natural resources like the wetlands and forests, where they get most of their raw materials for their crafts. Gertrude D. is eager to know more. “We could learn, for example, how to turn plastic waste into something more useful. This will save the environment from choking on waste and be a source of income for us,” says Gertrude.
Such joint efforts can extend to advocacy for policy changes that support both sectors. Women united in their goals can exert more significant influence on government policies, ensuring that conservation and tourism are integrated into national development plans. This would significantly contribute to bridging the systemic divide between the two sectors. Ritah Atukwase, a horticulturist at the Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre (UWEC), considers topics such as “waste management and climate change to be good linkages because they are of utmost importance for both sectors.”
Expanding this cooperative approach to other sustainability and environmental protection aspects in the Nile Basin can positively transform the region. Fostering collaboration across agriculture, fishing, and industry and adopting inclusive, long-term ecofeminist values can help preserve natural resources, improve community livelihoods, and effectively address environmental challenges.
This article is part of The Niles Issue #19, The Feminine & The Nile, produced by Media in Cooperation and Transition (MiCT) with financial support from the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). It is part of the initiative The Niles: Strengthening Media Capacities and Networks in the Nile Basin, supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and commissioned by the German Federal Foreign Office (AA). The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of SIWI, GIZ, the German Federal Foreign Office, or MiCT.